At Aycliffe Drive Primary School we aim to provide a learning atmosphere which gives children the opportunity and confidence to discuss, investigate and enjoy mathematics and so develop into successful mathematicians in their adult life. We follow detailed planning which covers the curriculum and provides challenges and reinforcement for all our pupils.
Using the New National Curriculum for our planning the children will be given the opportunity to:
- think for themselves, take responsibility for their own learning and achieve a good level of numeracy
- develop an understanding of mathematical vocabulary and notation
- develop mathematical concepts in real situations through handling materials, discussion and practical situations
- have the confidence to apply the knowledge and experience they have gained to other mathematical tasks
- have an appreciation of the logical aesthetic aspects of mathematics, through problem solving and investigation, linking this with other areas of the curriculum.
By the end of Year 6 all pupils should:
- have a sense of the size of a number and where it fits into the number system
- be secure in number facts such as number bonds, multiplication tables, doubles and halves
- calculate accurately and efficiently, both mentally and written form, and draw on a range of calculation strategies
- recognise when it is appropriate to use concrete or other mathematical apparatus, and be able to do so effectively with full reasoning
- make sense and solve a range of number problems, in a range of everyday contexts usually a .. of measure (e.g. L, ML, KG) and recognise the operations needed to solve them
- using accurate mathematical vocabulary to explain reasoning and strategies
- judge whether their answers are reasonable and have strategies for checking them where necessary
- suggest suitable units for measuring and make sensible estimates of measurements
- according to these properties compare and classify shapes; identify, compare and order angles; identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes
- use coordinates to describe positions on a 2-D grid; describe movements between positions; plot specified points and draw sides to complete a polygon
- use and interpret information in graphs, diagrams, charts and tables and create own versions of these
- recognise the links between tasks completed in class and be able to make bridges in skill sets taught and learnt independently