When children leave Aycliffe Drive, we aim for them to be Digital Creators, Communicators and Citizens. They will see Computing as an integral aspect of all areas of their learning. They will have a broad set of skills to support and enhance their learning, therefore providing them with life skills in preparation for an ever growing digital world.
The Computing Programme of Study has been developed to meet the requirements of the New Curriculum (2014). It combines a number of skills from the old curriculum and introduces a larger focus on programming, simulations and modelling.
It is divided into three strands; Digital Creator, Digital Communicator and Digital Citizen.
- Ensure ICT is incorporated into all areas of the National Curriculum, in a variety of contexts.
- All pupils are extended in each area of the ICT Curriculum so that they reach their full potential.
- Pupils appreciate the relevance of ICT in our society, and that they see ICT as an essential tool for learning, for communication, for finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment. Pupils will be given opportunity to describe, illustrate, interpret, predict and explain using technological language and conventions.
- Children are encouraged to use their own initiative, imagination, reasoning and investigative skills to solve problems using ICT.
- Pupils learn to work individually and collaboratively.
- Children will have discrete programming lessons during which they will write code for a purpose.
- Pupils have a heightened awareness of ICT through its use in all areas and by all members of the school.
- Every child receives equal opportunity to develop their ICT capability (using tools and information sources effectively, developing practical applicable skills).
- Teaching is enhanced through the effective implementation and use of ICT equipment.
- Pupils derive enjoyment, confidence and a sense of achievement from their use of ICT.