Welcome to Willow class! Willow class (Year 3 and 4) is taught by Mrs Young and Miss Trinnaman.
What Will We Be Learning?
English – In the first half term Willow will be exploring alternative fairy tales as our first unit. We will read The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. We will be working towards creating our own alternative tales based on well-known fairy tales. Later in the term we will also be exploring the poem Down Behind the Dustbin by Michael Rosen, Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman and Until I Met Dudley by Roger McGough and Chris Riddell.
Maths – In our first term Willow will be exploring a variety of maths concepts from place value, adding and subtracting mentally, building fact recall of multiplication, and learning about fractions, angles and lines.
Science – In science we will be exploring rocks, fossils, and soil. In the second half term we will explore the topic of electricity, specifically about how electricity travels and how circuits work and are made.
Geography – In the first half term we will be investigating coasts. This will include learning about what they are, how they are formed and how they can change over time.
History – In the second half term we will move on to history and will be exploring civilisation in Elizabethan England.
Design and Technology – We will be learning how to make sandwiches. This will include researching and tasting a variety of well-balanced sandwiches, designing our own sandwich, and developing our cooking skills.
Art – To tie in with our Elizabethan topic in history we will be creating prints based on Elizabethan woodcuts.
RE – During our RE lessons we will be looking at Christianity, Hinduism and Sikhism. Later in the term we will be looking at what advent means to Christians.
Computing – Our first topic will be using Scratch to create our own animations.
PSHE – In PSHE our first topic is “Being Me in My World.” We will be focussing on our roles in the school community.
French – In French year 3’s first topic “Bonjour!” we will be introducing how to greet others, say our names and count to 10 in French. Year 4 will be learning how to describe people’s physical characteristics.
PE – In PE we will be learning key skills for Netball and Dodgeball.