Welcome to Sycamore class! Sycamore class (Year 1/2) is taught by Ms Goss and Mrs Burton.
What Will We Be Learning?
English – This term we will be reading and working on ‘Voices in the Park’ by Anthony Brown. We will be exploring new language and focusing on WOW! words that we can use in our writing.
Maths – In our first term we will be learning lots of new concepts for grouping numbers. We will be finding the parts and the whole of a calculation to help solve the calculation.
Science – In science we will be investigating properties of everyday materials. We will also be closely observing seasonal changes and what happens to plants during the Autumn months.
Art – This term in art we will be looking at works of art by Picasso. The children will have the opportunity to create their own piece of art based on what they have learnt and observed using different types of medium.
History – This half term we will be learning about castles. We will be finding out why they were built, who lived in them and their features.
Geography – We will be looking at our local area, where we live and what makes a community.
RE – We will be talking about belonging. The children will have an opportunity to share groups that they belong to.